Howdy folks, finally getting around to assembling some of the minis I got for Christmas - this time it's some further additions to the burgeoning Adeptus Mechanicus army that is slowly growing in the Closet of Doom. We're in the midst of the colder part of winter here so there hasn't been any time to primer anything, so for now it's just shots of bare metal.

First up is a set of miniatures that I have now purchased on four separate occasions - the Skullz Tech Priest set. I absolutely adore this set of miniatures - An Archmagos, four Tech Priests, a Magos Biologis and a pair of servitors, sculpted by Alan and Michael Perry back in the mid-90's and available as part of the Skullz limited promotion series.Very happy to have these again, as I sold my last set several years back as part of an Ad-Mech army and I've been kicking myself ever since.

I also managed to get my hands on the White-Dwarf-in-40k miniature that was available a few years back as a reward for ordering a subscription to WD. It's one of those that I've always wanted but never was able to find for a reasonable price. This one showed up for a song and I nabbed it straight away!

I'm hoping we'll get a break in the cold weather so I can get some primer on these and get stuck in!