Today I am going to talk about something which has been irking me about allies.  My desire to have an allied contingent that looks good with my other armies while complimenting my main armies.
What I am talking about it color theory.

While I might not be a person who can paint (well at any rate), I am familiar with how theory should be applied.  Before I begin, if there are any trained artists reading the blog, please feel free to chime in an help me make my decision!

So for all intensive purposes my main army right now is my Legion of the Damned bikers.

However another consideration which I have to keep in mind is my Tau army.  For reference purposes, here is a picture of that.

As you can see the LotD scheme is various shades of black with elements of dark red, transitioning to red, orange, and yellow.  However it is important to note the skeleton parts and the lighter bases which make the black pop.  Overall the model has a "warm" but dark feel.   In regards with my tau, I have adopted a more grey toned camo color scheme which is complimented by bright red and orange flesh tones of the kroot. 

Currently, I get the feeling that my Tau army and my Legion of the damned, due to the similarity in colors (Dark Grey/Black as the main color while Red/Orange is a secondary color), washes each another out and nothing pops despite the highly detailed schemes.  Therefore, I want to avoid this from occurring in future potential allied contingents. 

Now if we apply color theory, the first option would be to have the inverse of this scheme in order to compliment it (mostly red instead of black) with subtle hits of black.  In the case of eldar, the Saim Hann Color Scheme.  Such as the images below:

Now if I approach this color scheme, the bases which I currently have would work perfectly as everything fits together smoothly.  However, my concern is that if I adopt a scheme which is the inverse of my current army that it will not "pop".   

However if we apply another asset of color theory, what ever color is the most prominent, we use the opposite side of the spectrum. Black and White would cancel each other out, however the red transitioning to yellow would need to be offset by dark blue transitioning to light blue and green.  Though the original legion of does not show it, there are greens on every model in the case of lenses, grenades, plasma canisters, and computer screens and it looks good! 

Applying this theory while looking at my most favorite color schemes for Eldar ever, I came across these images of Paul Sawyer's Alaitoc varrient Eldar. 

Very unique Farseer Idea that I might have to steal! 

Why not green?  Well I am leaving the choice of a green schemed army open in case if I want to delve into Imperial Guard in the future.  Zombie guard accompanying my Space Marines?  It is a possibility! 

So what do you guys think.  Which scheme for Eldar would look good with my Legion of the Damned?   What about my Kroot Renegade Force?