Here are a few more photos of the WIP Thunderbolt for my army. Latest bits to be completed are the pilot and cockpit (except his helmet which will match the name/picture on the side of the plane).


The above shows how it is shaping up, the left wing is partly weathered (was testing out my usual method on the plane to see how it worked on such large flat areas) and I've started to draft some free hand. Some bits are pencilled and the 219 (no method behind choice of numbers other than it fits the panel well) is draft painted to be neatened and angled properly.


Here is a quick sketch I used to get my bearings with some freehand on the plane. The shield motif is going  to feature on the side of the nose and the Aces motif was a possible design for the side. I'm thinking the plane/pilot callsign will need to be something lion based to tie it to the rest of the army though.


A look at the underbelly of the plane. Its a light grey/blue colour which looks a bit flat in this picture but should really look the part when weathered.


This is the base with part of a wrecked leman russ on it. The plastic rod for the flying stand fits in the hole in middle. This should be fun to paint as I can try all sorts of rust and burnt out tank effect, what colour or regiment it belonged too are yet to be decided though (suggestions are very welcome!)


Here is the Thunderbolt on its stand which makes it sit 12" or so above the leman russ. It is also banking to one side so the different colour on the underside is visible.


Here we have the cockpit his instruments. The dials on the right are all painted like gems, the left two are red and white and are the altimeter and another similar thing while the screen in the middle is his targeting display. The plane is banked appropriately so that line is the horizon and the red targeting reticules are incoming threats. The photos look okay but sadly don't so it justice.


Last but not least is a photo of the pilot himself. I decided to go for something different from the rest of my army and gave him a blue jump suit with brown and bone coloured gloves and other bits. The helmet and visor will be done when the call sign is decided upon.

Right, that's your lot for the time being. I hope you like what you see so far, I'd be really grateful for any feedback or suggestions. In particular with regards to weathering a plane, I'm thinking it needs to be quite streaky, the call sign and motif, and just thoughts in general.
