Yes people, yesterday I had my first wargame game of 2013 involving my high elves versus the skaven of dastardly regular opponent Paul in a 3k fight to the death.
During this game, two elven steeds destroyed his screaming bell!
I will point out that 4 wounds had already been taken off the bell by the elven steeds riders (a prince and noble) but the real damage was done by the horsies. The two steeds rolled 6's to hit, and then both again came up 6's to wound! Then Paul rolled a 1 and a 2 for the bell's 4+ ward save, meaning the bell was trampled under their dainty hooves.
Apart from that, the high elves won, despite losing lots of models in a blood-soaked affair. It was prep anyway for my last tournament game next week, the watchtower, against skaven. A full report will obv be done after that game for you to peruse and laugh at my lack of ability.
Then, we have a 40k campaign running in the club, where my new dark eldar will attempt not to lose too often!
I would like to hear of an other stories like this too, there must be loads! Any goblins taken down a chaos lord? Any skavenslaves crumped a stegadon? Let me know!
Adios for now
Elven Steeds are better than Screaming Bells. Fact.
by Neil | Jan 4, 2013