A quick post as I work in 2012 reflections and 2013 goals, I received this comment/email and thought I would throw out some suggestions and a couple lists:

Ryan Kenyon has left a new comment on your post "6th Ed Chaos Marine Lists": 

Hey mate, I'm starting a chaos list but havnt got the codex yet(getting soon though) and Ive never played chaos before so can you tell me a good, competetive list but its fun to play, i already have 5 cultists and 10 chaos marines, so any advances on that would be good thanks, Thanks in advance. 

Well Ryan, I will see if I can help you out. Whether you know it or not building a competitive CSM list has been a topic on the interwebs for a bit now as the codex is well balanced and not chock full of "auto include" and "obviously do not include" units like some of the 5th edition books.

There is however a couple things lacking from your question that I will just do my best to work without. Those items would be your desired point cost, any consideration for theme, inclusion of allies or not, forge world or not, your local meta, or what units/models look like fun to paint/play. I am also not going to say my lists are the end all of competitive CSM builds, so keep looking even with my suggestions as you might find something you like more. But, I should be able to get you started.

Here is a brief list of the things any list should be able to do in order to be competitive in my opinion:
1. Includes some speed or ability to get into an opponents backfield
2. Includes a tough nut to crack
3. Has just enough scoring units to win the game
4. Can deal with Hordes
5. Can deal with Mech
6. Can deal with death stars (in any way, including speed to avoid, or sacrificial unit to tie them up)
7. Has some ability to deal with Flyers
8. Has some degree of psychic defense
9. ...and of course can have a hope in hell versus deamons

You also need to realize, some/many codei do not have an answer to all items all the time.

Here is a solid 2000 point CSM list:

2000 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster
HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 100 pts)
1 Sorcerer , 100 pts (Bolt Pistol; Force Sword; Increase Mastery Level x1; Spell Familiar)
HQ: Chaos Lord (1#, 175 pts)
1 Chaos Lord , 175 pts (Mark of Khorne; Melta Bombs; Sigil of Corruption; Juggernaut of Khorne;
1 Axe of Blind Fury
HQ: The Masque (1#, 100 pts)
1 The Masque (HQ) [cd] , 100 pts

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 50 pts)
9 Chaos Cultists , 50 pts
1 Cultist Champion
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (6#, 157 pts)
4 Chaos Space Marines , 157 pts (Plasma gun)
1 Aspiring Champion (Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Power Maul x1)
1 Chaos Rhino (Dirge Caster; Combi-Boltgun; Havoc Launcher)
Troops: Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (5#, 85 pts)
5 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (Troops) [cd] , 85 pts
Troops: Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (5#, 85 pts)
5 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (Troops) [cd] , 85 pts

Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5#, 150 pts)
5 Chaos Spawn , 150 pts
Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
1 Heldrake , 170 pts (Baleflamer)
Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
1 Heldrake , 170 pts
Fast Attack: Screamers of Tzeentch (6#, 150 pts)
6 Screamers of Tzeentch (Fast) [cd] , 150 pts (Unholy Might)

Heavy Support: Havocs (7#, 141 pts)
6 Havocs , 141 pts (Autocannon x4)
1 Aspiring Champion (Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Close Combat Weapon)
Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 152 pts)
2 Obliterator , 152 pts (Mark of Nurgle)

: Imperial Bastion (2#, 125 pts)
1 Imperial Bastion , 125 pts (Emplaced Heavy Bolters x4)
1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)

Elite: Flamers of Tzeentch (8#, 184 pts)
8 Flamers of Tzeentch (Elite) [cd] , 184 pts

1994 points

This list hits most points. The single rhino may give up a "First Blood" from time to time...but that can be mitigated with keeping them in reserve or behind you bastion, etc. I also tried to make use of the units you mentioned you have.

Here is another:

2000 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster
Total Roster Cost: 2000
HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 185 pts)
1 Sorcerer , 155 pts = (base cost 60 + Mark of Nurgle 15 + Sigil of Corruption 25 + Spell Familiar 15
+ Palanquin of Nurgle 40)
1 Burning Brand of Skalathrax , 30 pts
HQ: Chaos Lord (1#, 170 pts)
1 Chaos Lord , 125 pts = (base cost 65 + Mark of Nurgle 15 + Sigil of Corruption 25) + Chaos Bike
1 The Black Mace , 45 pts

Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 202 pts)
4 Plague Marines , 126 pts = 4 * 24 (base cost 24) + Plasma gun x2 30
1 Plague Champion , 24 pts
1 Chaos Rhino , 52 pts = (base cost 35 + Dirge Caster 5 + Havoc Launcher 12)
Troops: Plague Marines (7#, 206 pts)
5 Plague Marines , 130 pts = 5 * 24 (base cost 24) + Flamer x2 10
1 Plague Champion , 24 pts
1 Chaos Rhino , 52 pts = (base cost 35 + Dirge Caster 5 + Havoc Launcher 12)
Troops: Plague Marines (6#, 192 pts)
4 Plague Marines , 116 pts = 4 * 24 (base cost 24) + Meltagun x2 20
1 Plague Champion , 24 pts
1 Chaos Rhino , 52 pts = (base cost 35 + Dirge Caster 5 + Havoc Launcher 12)

Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5#, 180 pts)
5 Chaos Spawn , 180 pts = 5 * 36 (base cost 30 + Mark of Nurgle 6)
Fast Attack: Chaos Bikers (7#, 229 pts)
6 Chaos Bikers , 172 pts = 6 * 27 (base cost 20 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Veterans of the Long War 1) +
Flamer x2 10
1 Biker Champion , 57 pts = (base cost 30 + Mark of Nurgle 6 + Power Axe x1 15 + Veterans of
the Long War 1) + Melta Bombs 5
Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
1 Heldrake , 170 pts

Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 152 pts)
2 Obliterator , 152 pts = 2 * 76 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6)
Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 152 pts)
2 Obliterator , 152 pts = 2 * 76 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6)
Heavy Support: Havocs (7#, 162 pts)
6 Havocs , 136 pts = 6 * 16 (base cost 13 + Mark of Nurgle 3) + Autocannon x4 40
1 Aspiring Champion , 26 pts = (base cost 23 + Mark of Nurgle 3)

2000 Points

2000 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster
Total Roster Cost: 1995

HQ: Sorcerer (1#, 100 pts)
1 Sorcerer , 100 pts = (base cost 60 + Increase Mastery Level x1 25 + Spell Familiar 15)

Troops: Chaos Cultists (10#, 55 pts)
9 Chaos Cultists , 41 pts = 9 * 4 (base cost 4) + Flamer x1 5
1 Cultist Champion , 14 pts
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (5#, 85 pts)
4 Chaos Space Marines , 62 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Meltagun 10
1 Aspiring Champion , 23 pts
Troops: Chaos Space Marines (5#, 85 pts)
4 Chaos Space Marines , 62 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Meltagun 10
1 Aspiring Champion , 23 pts

Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
1 Heldrake , 170 pts
Fast Attack: Heldrake (1#, 170 pts)
1 Heldrake , 170 pts
Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn (5#, 180 pts)
5 Chaos Spawn , 180 pts = 5 * 36 (base cost 30 + Mark of Nurgle 6)

Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 152 pts)
2 Obliterator , 152 pts = 2 * 76 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6)
Heavy Support: Obliterator (2#, 152 pts)
2 Obliterator , 152 pts = 2 * 76 (base cost 70 + Mark of Nurgle 6)
Heavy Support: Havocs (5#, 115 pts)
4 Havocs , 92 pts = 4 * 13 (base cost 13) + Heavy Bolter x4 40
1 Aspiring Champion , 23 pts

HQ: Mega-armoured Warboss (1#, 115 pts)
1 Mega-armoured Warboss (HQ) [Orks] , 115 pts = (base cost 60 + Mega Armour 40 + Bosspole 5 +
Cybork Body 10)

Troops: Boyz (28#, 218 pts)
27 Boyz (Troops) [Orks] , 172 pts = 27 * 6 (base cost 6) + Big Shoota x2 10
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] , 46 pts = (base cost 16 + 'Eavy Armour 5 + Power Klaw 25)
Troops: Boyz (28#, 218 pts)
27 Boyz (Troops) [Orks] , 172 pts = 27 * 6 (base cost 6) + Big Shoota x2 10
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] , 46 pts = (base cost 16 + 'Eavy Armour 5 + Power Klaw 25)

Elite: Lootas (12#, 180 pts)
12 Lootas (Elite) [Orks] , 180 pts = 12 * 15

I probably like the third list the best my self; because I cut my 40k teeth with Orks. Orks are a fine answer to deamons and flyers as well. You could tweak this and include an Aegis or Bastion; again I tried to include the models you already own (cultists, csm's). You could also swap the HB for AutoCannons for more vehicle punch.

Ryan, hope you found this helpful. Thanks for the request and good luck! Let me know if you build and play any of these suggestions.
