I mentioned in a previous post that I have quite a backlog of material that needs to be posted up on here. One of these was John Blanche's Blanchitsu article from October's White Dwarf.

Blanchitsu is really a very interesting look into John Blanche's modelling mindset. In the October White Dwarf, he presented a series of Inquisitor warbands - I had a wry smile at that. Still, even if these figures are being presented as part of the 40k universe (and of course they are), it was very cool to see INQ28 getting a toehold in White Dwarf.

This picture showcases some of the figures that Inquisitor Guidonis has in his retinue. One thing I like about these pictures (and something that I've seen in Jakob Rune Nielsen's work too) is the use of artwork as a background to the pictures, making the models feel more alive, and part of a greater whole. This is particularly interesting for Inquisitor, where we aren't making models, but rather creating characters.

I was really flabbergasted when John presented me with these two figures at the REQUIEM event. John has a really interesting mindset where he has this relentless creative drive. Once he's finished with a figure, it's on to the next one. The figure on the left is Inquisitor Bernadus Guidonis, a character that has begun to take on a shape of its own as he has been used in a number of events.

I count myself very fortunate that John has taken to our INQ28 group of gaming. Peter recently posted saying that "the best part for me has been expanding my gaming circle from almost non existent to a group of like minded people." I think that's been the greatest hallmark of INQ28 - making gaming a social event.

I think that's what I will take from these two figures -  a reminder that we are part of a community - and that is something special all in itself.

MolotvWhat is your favourite INQ28 model? Which figures to you truly evoke that "grimdark" feeling of Inquisitor?