I was actually surprised when Little Barrera mentioned it's been over a month since I've posted here.  Seriously - I would have said maybe three weeks.

So what's up with that?

Life.  Work.  The holidays.  My annual relaxation from the weekly BoLS schedule.  But it's more than that...

...frankly, I've been bored!

Sadly, my muse has flown.  So I went looking for him.

I couldn't find my muse anywhere.  In fact, it got worse - I tore open the rest of my room, just making a  mess of things!

...er... tilt your head to the left?

Then I looked on Call of Duty Black Ops... for quite a few weeks...

Maybe in here?

Hell ya!  It's time from a change for a bit!

I'm not quite done, but I had to relearn some basics again for this one.  Stupid airbrush - once you get used to it, what happens when it's down?

Okay, I got this figured out...