
Some of you may have seen the latest Kickstarter program from Coolminiornot.  It is called Rivet Wars!

Here is a link:

And a little introduction:

Rivet Wars is a miniatures boardgame that springs forth from the warped imagination of Ted Terranova - set on a world that never quite left World War I but with crazy technology like walking tanks, diesel powered armor, unicycle vehicles and armor plated cavalry!

Don't let the cute visuals fool you, it's a world full of angst, war-torn camaraderie and dark humor.

When you see it, you will probably think the same thing Cathy and I did when these arrived for painting... they are the most unusual minis you will ever see! :-)  We also thought they would be very fun as a result.  It's hard in this day and age to come up with something so unlike everything else...

This post introduces you to a few of the miniatures.




Here we have a few images that show the entire "Ally" force.  The tanks are particularly fun!

Needless to say, I had to develop all new painting techniques to paint these!  I have more posts coming with multiple close up images of the vehicles.  Unlike conventional 23 mm figures, these don't have lots of little surfaces, particularly on the Infantry.  I will try to explain some of the things I did on those guys as well!



So, go check out the Kickstarter and see for yourself!  Stay tuned for more here...