James Wappel Miniature Painting

Those of you who enjoy your miniature painting should already have heard of James Wappel. He's a very talented artist who has turned his hand to miniature painting and has developed a rather unique and recognisable style. He has been developing a series of "How To" videos over the last few months and finally has his Kickstarter project live.

James Wappel Miniature Painting

Now, I've downloaded other paid painting tutorials and trawled through YouTube for free ones but I am genuinely excited about this. I really love his painting style and the prospect of being able to see him in action and pick up some pointers is making me rather giddy.

He has far too many examples of work for me to put here so I suggest that you have a good old look through his blog – http://wappellious.blogspot.com/

Then, when you're as excited as me, head over to his Kickstarter page; have a good read through what he's proposing then help him fund his project – The Painting Pyramid with James Wappel

As for me, no progress made on projects this week but should have something very soon.