I’ve not actually played 40k since September. Amazing but true, it’s just there have been other games to play instead (X-Wing being a big culprit)
Now that my desk is laden down with all of the Marine bits I’ve found in boxes and I’m ready to get going with Dark Angels again I’ve decided that I should look back at my other armies and put some real effort into getting to know their strengths and weaknesses properly. I never really got the hang of Dark Eldar in 6th for a start.
The idea is that we play with 500pt forces, swap them over and keep going until we are happy that we understand each one at that level. For those that don’t work at small points values it will be clear very quickly (Deathwing for a start) but since 6th is mostly about troops still it will be a really good exercise to play with limited options for a while instead of, say, throwing Necron flyers into the mix and giggling.
To this end I sat down to make a basic Ork list that plays well to their strengths:
- HQ: Warboss with Klaw and Combi-Flamer
- Troops: 2x 30 Boyz, each incuding one Nob with no special gear. Three have Big Shootas and the rest just shootas.
OK, so we’re footslogging and it’ll take us a while to get anywhere, but I don’t think we’ll see many vehicles in my other lists either. Although the boss is obviously close combat and the boyz aren’t I don’t see that as a problem as I’d rather have the extra shots before the combat and between the Klaw and flamer the boss can pretty much handle anything out of the ordinary. In fact I’m very much of the opinion that shooting is better for orks than close combat as the focus in 6th. I’ll also try running them as slugga boyz to see if I’m right.
The big problem I see here is that to my mind 61 Orks are unstoppable at 500 points.
I think my next list will be Dark Angels since the codex has shipped according to my email.