Hey everyone and welcome to 2013 here at the Fallen Princes. This first post of the year will be about experiences learnt from 2012 and what I hope to achieve in 2013. So what did I learn in 2012?

- I need to make more time for the hobby. In 2012 I managed only a shocking 3 games (only one was 40k new edition). And I haven't picked up a paint brush in 4 months!
- Competitions are fun. So these will be happening more often.
-The shop 'TFP: Wargames Studio' is going steady.
-Board games: Played a lot more board games this year.
- I still love Badab!

So what does this mean for 2013?
-  Starting in February I shall be setting myself the challenge of a squad/unit a month. Might come up with some fancy name like 'Tales of a Badab Painter'. If you wish to join in your more than welcome :)
- Starting a section on the Board Games I'm playing. This will include Talisman, Doom of the Eldar, Catan, Zombies, Scoopa and many more.
- Competitions will be coming thick and fast as well as the Deathwatch charity auction (just waiting on one more model to make a combat squad, sadly looks like it won't reach a full squad).
- Improving the shop and hopefully move into new products as well starting overseas shipping.
- Judge Dredd: I'm getting into Mongoose Publishing Judge Dredd miniature games so expect posts on this.
- And final Badab War updates, competitions, articles etc...

So hopefully the blog will start to expand and become a more widely focused blog, specializing in the Badab War era of 40k. I just want to thank you all for your continued support and here's to 2013.