Played a game vs Paladin Grey Knights on Sunday (sorry for it taking so long to post). My 2k list I brought was

Shas’O: Multi-tracker, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, HW Target Lock,(117)

Ethereal (50)

Crisis Suit Team: 3 Suits, Plasma Rifle/Fusion Blaster, HW Target Lock, 2 w/ Targetting Array, Team Leader with 2 Shield Drones, Iridium Armor,Stimulant Injector(266)

Crisis Suit Team: TL Missile Pod, Targeting Array, HWBSF,Team Leader with Bonding Knife (178)

Crisis Suit Team: TL Missile Pod, Targeting Array, HWBSF,Team Leader with Bonding Knife (178)

Crisis Suit Team: Plasma Rifle, Flamer,Target Lock, Team Leader w/ 2 Shield Drones, HW MultiTracker and Bonding Knife (207)

12 Fire Warriors: Team Leader with HW Target Lock(130)
6 Fire Warriors: (60)
6 Fire Warriors: (60)
6 Fire Warriors: (60)

Hammerhead: Railgun, Burst Cannons, Targeting Array, Disruption Pods, Blacksun filters(160)

Hammerhead: Railgun, Burst Cannons, Targeting Array, Disruption Pods, Blacksun filters(160)

3 Broadside: Team Leader with Target Lock, 2 Shield Drones, 1 TA, 1 Multi Tracker, HWBSF(274)

Aegis Line: Quad Gun(100)

And for the Grey Knights...
5 Paladins: 2 Psycannons, Psybolt, Banner
5 Paladins: 2 Psycannons, Psybolt, Banner
10 Purifiers: 4 Psycannons, 5 Halbards, 1 Daemonhammer
Dreadknight: Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon
Dreadknight: Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon
Dreadknight: Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon

Pregame stuff: We roll Dawn of War, Emperor's Will. I win roll-off for going first. No night-fighting :(

I deploy the Aegis on the left middle, with the 12 man Firewarrior team manning the Aegis, and the 2 Hammerheads on either side of the Firewarriors. Broadside go in a ruin. Crisis teams hide behind terrain on either side of the Fire warriors.Ethereal goes in the open in front of the Aegis :)
He sets up his purifiers behind a large LOS limiting/blocking piece of terrain where his objective is on the far right(opposite side of the majority of my force). His dreadknights go in the middle, and the Pallidins(both squads) go far left. Vindicare infiltrates onto the top of the bastion(just used as a piece of terrain, not actually a bastion)

-For Grand Strategy the Purifiers and far right Dreadknight become scoring

He seizes...great....


Farthest Dreadknight(scoring) shunts up. Other two just move up as they will be in range with Torrent. Pallidins move up, and Purifiers stay put.

Shooting the Dreadknights Torrent the Firewarriors and roast everyone of them. One of the Psycannon shots scatters on the Ethereal and kills him! Yay! I roll for morale and every unit passes! Now my whole army has Preferred Enemy...

Other 2 Psycannon shots from the Dreadknights hit the Hammerheads but 2+ cover ftw! Pallidins empty into the Broadside...I have 17 saves to make, and only lose 1 Shield Drone! Vindicare misses


Movement all the Crisis Teams move out. I have a dangerous terrain test to make here and there and make good on saves when I fail the test. Shooting then...

The Plasma/Fusion Team torrents a Dreadknight down inflicting 7 wounds and he made 2 saves. The Missile team closest to the Firewarriors shoots at the Vindicare and his 2+ cover pulls through. I decide its a waste of shooting to try and kill him and so the other team shoots at the Purifiers. Thanks to preferred enemy I get 5 wounds, and he rolls a 5, two 1s, and two 2s! Four Purifiers down but they're Fearless... The Plasma/Flamer Team does 2 wounds on the Pallidin team with Draigo and Coteaz and they take a Wound.


Movement the Pallidins move up again, and the Dreadknights move up to the Hammerheads. I expect these to go down but that's ok because in this game I don't think they will do much. Shooting the Vindicare attempts to shoot at the Plasma/Fusion Team Leader but FnP on him saves him! The Pallidins shoot into the Broadside again and this time he gets 3 rends and a ton of normal wounds...the last Shield Drone goes down, 2 Broadside, and a wound off of the last Broadside! Ouch....

Assault. The Dreadknights wreck both Hammerheads easy.


2 of the Firewarrior teams arrive from reserve and come in far left where my objective is. The plasma/fusion and plasma/flamer team move towards the Dreadknights.

Shooting both Dreadknights go down and some pot shots from the firewarriors manage to take the wounded Pallidin down. That took most of my fire power to kill the two remaining Dreadknights.


Movement he moves the few remaining pallies (Draigo Coteaz and 2 Pallidins are all that's left on the left flank), the 6 Purifiers(all that's left on the right side) move as best as they can to try to not be in LOS to anything of mine, looks at this point like i can't get to them...

Shooting the Draigo+Coteaz+2 Pallidin conundrum shoot at the plasma/flamer team but i make good on my saving throws. that's it for Isaiah's shooting now!
Assault fails as he had to move through cover, sadly my overwatch didn't get me a wound on anyone :(


I move the plasma/flamer team, plasma/fusion team, and crisis commander right in front of the Draigo+Coteaz+2 Pallidin conundrum(Somehow on here i lost the fact that Draigo had taken a wound at this point).the missile pod teams both move to try and draw LOS to the purifier squad but am unable to see them still. gerrrr....

shooting goes my way as plasma/fusion single handedly kills both pallidins and coteaz, while the plasma/flamer team kills draigo (Preferred Enemy ftw!).

Assault all my suits try and jump closer to get LOS on the purifiers.

For the next 3 turns i jump to try and see the Purifiers, and last turn am able to see with a single missile pod team, but fail to do enough(kill one). game ends a tie as we both hold 1 objective, he has First Blood, I have Slay the Warlord.

Well the Tau did great! Was frustrating to lose due to a massive LOS blocker, but oh well. Got lucky with the LD's on the tau when the Ethereal died, but pleased with how the Tau have performed!

Thoughts? Comments? Violent Reactions?