I sat down to come up with some Denmark-related pun... something involving bacon... and I couldn't get it to come together. Still, there's some exciting things coming out of Denmark at the moment which have real ramifications for the "INQ28 scene."

Obviously long-time INQ28 friend Jakob Rune Nielsen is Danish, as are the excellent posters over at http://www.powerfist.dk/ are as well. I was actually put onto this forum by Neil101, and I'm certainl;y glad that I was. I've been reading the forum with the aid of Google Translate, and the thread "Skub flere Dukker V2 - Inquisimunda Warband Challenge" has rewarded us with a number of realy excellent INQ28-esque figures.

I really urge you to check these guys out - though the log is baconless, there are some very tasty figures. My personal favourite at the moment is a True-Scaled Grey Knight built by Thomas Kyrsting:

This guy's made out of the Forgeworld Tartaros Terminators, and has inspired me to look back at the possibility of making Truescaled Deathwatch. More on that in a future post...

Please check out the blog! Some excellent inspiration there!

MolotvDo you know of any new and exciting INQ28/Inquisimunda conversions or threads? Please send me the links, as I'm always glad for new inspiration, and am looking to feature more work from other modellers in the blog!