The paint scheme comes from here:
I tried to replicate it, used a white base and lots of wash, and a sponge. Not as good as the original, but I like mine too.
So having only a squad of terminators left from the army, I should put them to good use, but how?
(so I also don't brake my new years resolution, of not buying anything other than eldars)
With only 11 figures, 10 terminator and an assassin, it's pretty hard to do anything else than a paladin force. Now I'm not a fan of paladins, especially not a fan of draigo, so I had to find another way to get tough as nail grey knights.
The current GK fluff is bad, but let's see if we can do something more Mary sue-ish, shall we? Let's have fun!
So what happens, if a Grey Knight strike force gets nearly wiped out, the survivors are assumed dead, their strike cruiser is destroyed, so they can't send a distress call, and are stuck on the planet they were purging for, let's say, 25-30 years?
For extra points, let's have every other imperial force destroyed, and the surviving grey knights have to use whatever they find, and find a way to establish communication with the imperium, or a safe way to get off planet.
So we have a squad of seasoned veterans, in a non stop fight for survival environment, mostly using guerrilla tactics, stuck on a preferably chaos controlled planet. Counts as paladins, if you wish.
Not bad for a first try, not as over the top, as it could be, but I think with help we can do more. If you have an idea how to make this into the most over the top background, that even 'he whose name shall not be mentioned' could only hope to ever write, feel free to leave a comment. Have fun!
As for project name, Rust Knights, or Survivors should be better?