You’ve seen these models individually, but here they are in all their Battlegroup glory:


Like I said before, I’m happy with how they turned out.  I didn’t do any special painting techniques or anything, but I will likely come back to them soon to add battle damage as I had originally planned.  And likely some snow.  I will definitely get them back on the workbench to do those little touch-ups I found while taking pictures, including adding black to the back of the Destroyer and Sorscha’s bases:


I’ve still only played the one game with this new Khador force of mine.  Hopefully in the next few days Andrew will be coming over for a game, or maybe Rob who is running Trolls.  While I usually like playing starter-sized games when it comes to skirmish games, I feel that the very low number of models in WarmaHordes’ starters means that it gets significantly better when you’ve added more models.  But, again, I need to make sure this is going to be a game we actually play  before I start buying anything new.  I’ve got enough Warmachine models sitting around doing nothing as it is! :)

Here are some random WIP shots of the various models:

007 009 005 001009

Thanks for reading.