Me with Codex: Dark Angels...
Looking back at last year (We made it!!! No Mayan apocalypse for us), there was actually quite a lot of GW activity related to 40k. Not all of it was awesome. To be fair some of the things they did this year were pretty cool. Necrons came back (Duh, they always come back) and got a pretty decent codex. Chaos got some cool models, and they teased Dark Angels all year and then didn't release them. I guess Dark Vengeance counts?  T-minus 5 days until I get my grubby little hands on that codex!

March - Space Wolves and Tyranids model refresh
Some really cool stuff for the Tyranid range and some "why so soon?" stuff for the SW range.  The Hive Tyrant model was awesome and the thunderwolf cav models were not as good as the third party manufacturers. This month had it's ups and downs, but I definitely think it was a positive overall. It reinvigorated Tyranid players who were flagging at the time and gave SW players stuff they already had.

April - New Paints 
I did absolutely nothing with the new paint line. People seem to be happy with them and more options are always better imo. 

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