What an interesting surprise this morning.  Woke up and found that a new Warhammer 40k faq had been released.  There are some very interesting changes in these FAQs.

Foremost, kill ranges are now existent.  Therefore, you can only kill models which are within the maximum range of the weapons fired.  Looks like we might have to include heavy bolters in bike squads now!

Secondly, Heldrakes have a 360 degree view for their bale flamers.  That makes them really annoying for all of us...

Third, Rending attacks with roll an extra die for armor penetration against vehicles no longer count as AP 2

Fourth, Flyers and flying monstrous creatures can not fly off the table the turn they come on.

Well there a lot more subtle changes, but these are the really big ones.   If you want to check them out for yourself, here is the link.

Finally, since there has been a lot of discussion about taking Samuel in preservative dark angel builds, I would like to present you guys with this awesome mini released by scibor.  Check it out here.