Old School here to help get the word out that new FAQs are up for most of the 40k books, including the brand spanking new Dark Angels! CSM got some interesting new items like

the Heldrake is now considered as having a turret, which means it can for 360, to include behind it! Noise Marines got the ability to take Blastmasters per every 5 Marines and more ... Also on the Chaos Daemons front, for all of you thinking they would nerf the Epidemius tally working on CSM units, they simply defined zombies as not being considered Nurgle marked.

There is much more going on out there, including some interesting changes to the Big Rule book. I suggest getting out there and checking them all out so you can understand your own army as well as what you are up against. Check it out here

We would love to see any gems you found in our comments section as well as what you think of the (some would consider contreversial) changes implemented!