Hi guys, last night i made a small start on my upcoming Hoth Battle board for use with my X wing games.

I managed to "aquire" four 18 inch square boards, thus when put together i will have a 3' board.

I then put sellotape all the way round so that when i putr the filler on top, i wouldnt stick them all togther!

Next up i laid them all out on the table with newspaper underneath and proceeded to smear a bit of filler over them to give the boards a little texture. I didnt want to go crazy with the texture as i wanted a relatively flat board, the undulations can come with the later terrain pieces!

Alas when i opened my tub of filler (its from focus, remember them?) it was super hard and lumpy, nothing a little hot water wouldnt fix after a good mixing!

So then i spread it all over the board, being careful to keep it all nice and flat.

There are a couple of small areas that have a couple of lumps in, but i shall sort that out with some sand paper later!

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