Carcharodons Forge World Jetbike

Hi guys, i have almost finished showing you all the rest of my Carcharodons Marines stuff but there are a few left to show you. i completed this piece just after i got it at Games day last year. (and what a waste of time and money that it!)

It really was a joy to paint, and luckily it was a decent cast. so no complaints were needed!

The kits comes with a few different weapon options but i only painted up a couple of them.

I contemplated texturing the base but ended up leaving it plain as i think it saves detracting from the model itself.

 I think this is one of the first times i tried out my new metal painting techniques and it definately worked. i'm still using it now.

I didnt even use masking tape to do the stripes, all i used was a steady hand and a long bristled brush! STEADY!

Although this isnt technically for Carcharodons as its in the legions list, i thought i wanted it to fit my army rather than a random chapter.

 What was your favorite chapter from the Badab war books? Did you paint any?

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