Alien 3 Wayland Yutani Colonial Marine Themed Company Command Squad

Hi guys, following on from my other Aliens colonial marines themed Imperial Guard, i found this old squad, They have not yet been painted (i REALLY need to get these done sometime) but are still in one of my boxes somewhere.

I wanted to do something aliens themed for these guys, yet not your typical colonial marine.

So what i did was base them off these guys.

Wayland Yutani Alien 3 Marine

Wayland Yutani "Employees"
These guys are the Wayland Yutani Enforcer Colonial Marines types. We dont see them a lot in Alien 3 itself, they always looked to me like they were wearing cricket pads as armour!

I used a few Kroot shoulder pads and odds and ends, and of course the Hasslefree Pulse Rifles.

I was really pleased with the final result.

What do you think? how would you have done the conversions?

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