I had the chance to play at a local RTT this weekend. We had 11 people show up and it was a good time. I'll be posting up my batreps sometime this week so keep an eye out but I wanted to share my list and initial thoughts first.
First, the list:
Azrael -215
Librarian - 130
Lvl 2, Terminator Armor, Force Axe
5 Deathwing Terminators - 255
Assault Cannon, 2xTH/SS, 1 Chainfist, 1 PF, 2xStorm Bolters, 1xPowersword
5 Deathwing Terminators - 255
Assault Cannon, 2xTH/SS, 1 Chainfist, 1 PF, 2xStorm Bolters, 1xPowersword
5 Tactical Marines - 95
Missile Launcher w/Flak Missiles
5 Tactical Marines - 95
Missile Launcher w/Flak Missiles
3 Ravenwing Bikers - 155
2xMeltaguns, Attack Bike w/MM
Fast Attack
5 Assault Marines - 105
2xFlamers, 1 Combi-Flamer
5 Assault Marines - 105
2xFlamers, 1 Combi-Flamer
Allied Detachment: Imperial Guard
Primaris Psyker - 70
Platoon Command Squad - 30
Infantry Squad - 70
Power Axe, Autocannon
Infantry Squad - 70
Power Axe, Autocannon
Infantry Squad - 70
Power Axe, Autocannon
Infantry Squad - 70
Power Axe, Autocannon
Infantry Squad - 60
So naturally we blob up and Azrael, the Libby, and the Primaris join up with the blob. Everything in the list scores except for 2 drop pods and 10 marines which is nice. Now for my thoughts:
-Azrael in a Blob squad is ridiculous. The 4++ for the entire blob is bad enough but don't forget fearless which is only crazier. He's also got the ability to give his unit Furious Charge. Basically he's just a massive boost to IG survivability.
-The terminator squads aren't anywhere near optimal yet. The weapon loadout was more based on modelling reasons than anything else since I'm using Cataphractii Termies and I haven't had time to get them build perfectly yet. I quite like the assault cannons with them being twin linked upon arrival from deepstrike quite a bit so that will be staying but the sword is going to go away.
-Lvl 2 libbies are neat but I almost never, or at least very rarely, casted 2 powers in a single phase so that and the Terminator armor are likely being dropped.
-The Primaris Psyker is out. I'm going to swap him with a Lord Commissar for Ld10 Orders.
-Bikes are out too. I just couldn't make them work for anything. Not that their a bad unit but I'm going to find another place to spend the points.
-The Flak Tacticals didn't do anything other than die or sit in my deployment zone. Granted I only played a single flyer but it was still pretty poop. I'm thinking of what else I might do with these as well.
-The Drop Pod Assault Marines were great fun. For three deep striking flamer templates it's dirt cheap and they normally did a fair amount of damage. The one change here would be to add teleport homers in case I want to drop in on turn 2 instead of 1 with Deathwing Assault.
Overall I think it's a solid starting point. Quite a few changes I'll be making and you'll probably understand more why when I post up the Batreps.