Some Super Secret Objective Markers from Secret Weapon Miniatures. They were clean castings and painted up quickly. These are hidden in the Steel Decking series of Beveled Edge bases on the website but can really be easily used in any modern setting on any surface.
The guys at Secret Weapon were great to work with and shipped fast and got me into their new Military discount program when they noticed my mailing address was an APO... without me having mentioned it! Pure Awesomesauce!
I already use their Blasted Wetlands series for my Blood Rain Kabal and just got enough of the Trenchworks Series to start basing the Unwritten.
Today was meant to be an update on the Raging Heroes Dark Elf Blood Vestals but the photos were ....poor... The unit is nearly complete with finishing touches being added to Skaarya the Blood Mistress and a few fiddly bits with the bases. I've gone with a beach sand color base for this unit with the idea that they are an aggressive invading/raiding force that spends a lot of time on the beach. The reality is that I'll decide on a basing scheme for the whole army a bit later ... when I actually get working on Dark Elves in general.
I have done bases and construction for the SF version of the Blood Vestals which are looking really good. They come in two sets... a troop and a command. Each set has 5 minis and the both together give a good unit of 10 similar but unique poses. I've gone with two boxes of troop and one command but in retrospect the command box has more unique weapons that substitute more or less directly as Dark Eldar Wytch Weapon I'd reverse my assortment if I was doing it again.
Super Secret Objective Markers
by Swelter | Jan 21, 2013