Kinda like Sammael... Right?

There has been a lot of talk on the blog about Dark Angels and biker lists.  So I figured I would actually put pen to paper and see what I could come up with.  While I am not 100% sold on the list as there still are some weaknesses, it is a great starting point for discussion about the army. 

Have at it gents!

 Ravenwing 1850.  List v 1.0

Sammael on Jetbike = [200]

Librarian (65) Auspex (5) Terminator Armor (30) = [100]

Terminator Command Squad (220) Banner of Devastation (65), Apothecary (30), Cyclone Missile Launcher (25), 2 x Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields (10) =  [350]

Ravenwing Attack Squad (6 man) (161) 2 plasma guns (30), Combi-Plasma (10) and a land speeder (50) with heavy bolter (0) and typhoon missile launcher (25) = [276]

Ravenwing Attack Squad (6 man) (161) 2 melta guns (20) and a land speeder (50) with heavy bolter (0) and typhoon missile launcher (25) = [256]

Ravenwing Attack Squad (6 man) (161) 2 melta guns (20) and a land speeder (50) with heavy bolter (0) and typhoon missile launcher (25) = [256]

Ravenwing Attack Squad (6 man) (161) 2 melta guns (20) and a land speeder (50) with heavy bolter (0) and typhoon missile launcher (25) = [256]

Ravenwing Attack Squad (3 man) (80) 2 melta guns (20) and an attack bike (45) with multi-melta (10) = [155]

Total = [1849]

You are probably all wondering why I went with speeders over attack bikes?  Yes I know they are extremely fragile now.  Well three reasons really.  Foremost the army needs long range fire power in order to open up tanks in order to maximize salvo fire power.  Secondly, they provide my army with much needed template coverage.   Third, there has been a marked decrease in long range fire power in horde esq armies.  Many armies have been moving towards the 24 inch range band (quite like this one).  Therefore, any extra ability have to thin out some troops before the final push is vastly appreciated.

Why terminators in a command squad over ravenwing command squad?  Well if I am going to pay a massive amount of points for the banner of devastation, I want it to survive.  This is the best way to ensure that piece of equipment survives more then one turn.  Also, thanks to deathwing assault and teleport homers all over the place, I can leverage when and where that banner comes in, in order to maximize its effectiveness. 


No anti-cover weapons.  Yeah the Thunderfire cannon will really be missed in this army! 

No psychic defense.  Psychic hoods are kinda a joke now.  I really enjoy having a farseer in my army with runes of warding to really mess up psychic builds.

No Doom.  Going along with psychic defense, doom is an amazing ability that really maximizes the ability of bolters to kill things.  For those who don't know, it allows you to re-roll failed to wound rolls against a doomed unit.  Sure Salvo increases the quantity of shots, however with doom it assists them in increasing the liklihood those bolters are going to wound hard targets (ie. T5+).

So what do you guys think about this list?  How can it improve?  Did I miss something?


I all ready have a Sammael count as!