I know, why so soon?

Well, I just got my book in the mail yesterday as I ordered it through a discount retailer and they decided to send it media mail which took a week or so. Wah wah... But it's here and I've given it a look over so I wanted to talk about it a bit. Because that's what I do here!

 First look: The book itself
Dark Angels as fuck!

This is the first hardcover codex I've bought so it's a bit new to me.
The good - The artwork is very nice and it will look good as a tabletop display piece. The page stock seems very good and the art inside is well done as well.
The Bad - The part that everyone complains about, the price. I paid less than msrp for mine, but it was still more than any other codex I've bought. I'm not sure where they are claiming this value for the $20 jump in price. And the fact that the apple store codex is the same price is atrocious. The book also looks like it's too fancy for extended tournament play. The binding appears to be a bit weak and the pages do this weird curling in thing when the book has been open for more than a couple minutes.
Protip to GW: Make the rules available separate from the fluff in a durable, travel friendly pamphlet size(Something akin to the Dark Vengeance rulebook). Reprint it with the proper errata. Sell it for $20. Make mass profit.

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