Well I have been a very busy boy this last week.  The weekend started with a 1,500 point tournament, continued with an extra gaming day on Monday while "Life After the Cover Save" recorded a show at Paper Hero's in Saugus, CA then I had my normal gaming night and did a bit of Painting last night.

I have been hard at work on my YouTube channel
getting some Battle Reports up and learning the YouTube editing software. I hope you guys will check it out and subscribe. I have been able to get about 6 videos up this last week. I don't think that will be a normal but I had a lot of gaming this week.

If you have been living under a rock you might not know that game developer/publisher THQ has gone bankrupt. These are the guys who brought us the Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War series as well as Space Marine. Luckily it looks like 40k may live on in video games as Sega had purchased Relic Entertainment in the bankruptcy auction. Sega had also recently acquired the rights to make Warhammer games. This is great news as Sega has been a long time developer of RTS Games such as the Total War series of games.

You can find more information at WIRED or from Faeit 212 who had an article on this on Wednesday.

So if you take a look at my YouTube channel you will see 3 Battle Reports from the Tournament I attended this weekend. I have to say that this was the only tournament in recent memory that I have won. It's been a while since I have been going to tournaments on a regular basis so I feel a bit rusty but it feels good to come out on top again.

I was running a new list that I had not played before but I thought it would be a tough list given that it has 3 flyers and 3 Leman Russ Tanks. Here is the list that I used...

IG Main Force
Primaris Psyker (I took his standard powers as 2d6 str 6 shots is awesome!)

Vets w/Chimera
Vets w/Chimera

Fast Attack:

Heavy Support:
Leman Russ Punisher w/Heavy Bolter Sponsons (29 Str5 shots on the move is always nice)
Leman Russ Demolisher
Leman Russ Demolisher

Chaos Space Marines Allied Detachemnt
Sorcerer w/Terminator Armor & Burning Brand of Skalathrax (I normally took Biomancy)

5x Chaos Space Marines w/Mark of Nurgle, Plasma Gun

Fast Attack:
Heldrake w/Baleflamer

So the way I normally deployed was with the Vets and Psyker in the Vendettas in reserve with the Heldrake and everything else on the table. The empty Chimeras were not normally targeted so it allowed me to get in some extra Str5/6 shots without worry. The Leman Russ Tanks were at the forefront providing cover for the Chimera and soaking up shots with their AV14 in the front. As most people seem to have moved away from Melta guns and over to Plasma I thought that the AV14 of the Russ would be a nice hard unit to bug my opponents. The CSM were deployed by an objective for them to hold and with the majority toughness 5 and the Sorcerer with a 2+ armor I though it would be a hard unit to shift especially with the treat of the Burning Brand with them.

So like I said I ended up taking first place. I think I got pretty lucky in my first game against the Daemons as that was the list I was dreading to face. Luck was on my side as she got her non-preferred wave and the majority of her reserves did not come in until turn 4. The other games I think went pretty smooth and according to plan. I didn't lose much in any of the games and I think part of that was the fact that I went with a Mechanized list that most people are not expecting anymore. I do not think I would have done well against a Deathwing list or a Gray Knights list with Dreadknights, but luckily none of those showed up.

Again please check out my YouTube channel I am really trying to make it interesting. If you have any suggestions please let me know. I am open to changes as I am new to this Video Battle Report thing.

Till next time! Happy Wargaming!