A while ago, I received a set of GW Lord of the Rings figures from my brother, which he no longer wanted. The majority of these were Gondor figures, with a few Rohan & Elves scattered around, and in varying condition.

Since then, much of my hobby time has been devoted to sorting through the pile, salvaging those figures that I could, and butchering those I couldn't. The result is what you see here.

Those figures that I could not save were turned into casualties - it's a great way to use those broken figures, and it looks fantastic.

The figures were filed flat on one side, then glued to plastic bases, before having all kinds of injury inflicted on them. They were then based and painted to match their still living counterparts, who will be the subject of another post soon.

It really is impossible to make a mess of this, so if you have any broken models lying around, turn them into terrain  pieces.

Next up, more LOTR from the stash.