Monday 21st - Sunday 27th January 2012

Hey folks. Thought I'd write this weeks adventures up a day or so early since I'm in work tomorrow then out at a gig Monday. Currently I'm suffering from massive sleep deprivation from staying up all night playing Magic, not something I'm going to repeat in a long time! More on that later, first there's been genuine hobby progress made this week, so there's not as much filler/news!

I ended up deciding to just part with more cash for plastic crack at the start of the week, so for my first trip down to Firestorm of the week I picked up another Deathwing Command box and a Dark Talon. I had my work cut out with 11 chunky models but I've managed to get all of them cleaned up, glued and primed! At least the first time I use them they won't be bare plastic. I'm hoping I'll find some time after moving to at least get the basecoat down.

On the painting front my mission was to finish some scenery ready for my Realm of Battle so that my army had something nice to die behind. I managed to build up the motivation to finish the bastion finally, and also completed two parts of the Wall of Martyrs box set. I got the bunker and one of the emplacements done. I haven't seen how they look on my board as it's packed away ready to move but hopefully it'll all gel well and look ace. I'll put up some photos once it's all set up.

Before we break into Magic talk, as it's Saturday I was expecting February's White Dwarf but it hasn't arrived. I really thought GW had got their postage issue resolved as it's been consistent for quite a few months now. Guess I'll have to wait and see for Monday.

Finally we come to Magic the Gathering. I think I mentioned it last time round that I haven't played in years, since around the time that Zendikar came out. The Boros legion (red/white) has been a firm favourite archetype of mine for a long time and when I found out this set was going to feature the old Ravnica guilds I knew it was time to jump back in.
Last night I set off in the shitting rain (well, at least it wasn't more snow!) to Firestorm again and arrived at around half 11. It was a fairly uneasy feeling walking into a room of over forty complete strangers on my own but soon got chatting to a few guys. There were 45 of us playing I think so we had 6 rounds, which I was totally unprepared for! I thought I'd be home by 4, 5 at the latest. I managed to drag my weary body back home at around 7 this morning.
Each player got a box from their guild containing a specific pack with cards from their chosen colours, along with 5 booster packs and a spindown die. I'd gone prepared with some fresh sleeves and eagerly went about trying to remember how to build a deck. I managed to get it figured out with time to spare and here's what I came up with -

I started taking notes after the first couple of games, but by the time we'd finished game three I was too fucked to bother writing anything down. Each of my opponents was great fun to play against, and I ended up winning 3 matches and losing the same amount. This placed me somewhere near the bottom of the pile but I really don't mind that, it was a great way to get back in the game and I'm looking forward to heading to a FNM in the next couple of weeks.

Another week reported on, and it's been a good one. Next week isn't going to be great hobby-wise with the big move into the valleys, but I'm sure something geeky will happen that I can write about. Until then, have fun and have a great week.