Afternoon readers update time again.

Been working on 2 test models to try out some skin  tones for the Strain:

This one is meant to be a more freshly mutated example so has a slighlty more aliveish skin tone, the pictures have kinda washed out the skin, he looks a lot better in the flesh :(

This one is mean to be a corpse that has been mutated by the strain nano virus so I have gone for a more greyish skin tone on him.

Both of these guys were done largely with a mix of washes, glazes and dry brushing over a white basecoat. The models themselves are brilliant loads of little details and plenty of opportunity for gore :D

Me being me I have already begun a sculpting based conversion:

This is a very WIP Samaritan who has fallen prey to the virus and mutated into a monstrosity, gone for segments of his armour still remaining, most of which is cracked by the mutating effect bulking him up.

I have plans for a Strain version of the female samaritan trooper sculpt too, though I have cheated slighly on that and have taken a push mold of her head and part of her torso armour that I can then work around :)

Theres plenty of sources I have been drawing inspiration from for these guys, Movies such as The Thing and the videos game enemies such as Husks from mass effect, Necromorph from Deadspace and of course the Flood from Halo.

Thats it for now guys, hopefully more updates will follow during the week.