Unboxing: Talisman, The Highlands Expansion.
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, i thought it was high time i got this unboxing done. ive had the photos on my hard drive for a good couple of weeks and feel i need to get it out there!

Talisman: The Highlands expansion
Talisman: The Highlands expansion (Photo credit: semihundido)
 Lets begin!

Here we can see the entire contents of the box. Dont ever forget you get the Fantasy Flight game mini catalogue! it shows more interesting games! Everythings really nicely packed in. even the inside of the box looks good with the purple monotone effect.

 Heres the extension board piece itself. For some reason blogger decides its a good idea to flip my phots vertically. today its done it a couple of times again.. If anyone can tell me why, and how to remedy it, i would be most appreciative. The board itself looks good, the artwork as per usual with this game is AMAZING.

 Here we have the 3 alternative ending cards provided with the game (Albeit upside down..) Theres the hand of doom, Battle Royale and the Eagle King. (hes weak)

Heres a shot of 3 of the new characters, theres the amazon here on the left, the Sprite in the middle and the Alchemist on the end. Look how tiny the sprite is!

 Another shiot of both the Alchemist and the Sprite, but also in the shot is another new character, the Highlander! (sadly not immortal) He's probably fighting for "His Freedom!"

More new characters here, the sculpts are quite good for their size, especially as they are just board pieces. On the left is the Vampiress. The middle is the Rogue. The one on the right is the Amazon.

Heres a little group shot of all the new characters from The Highland Expansion.

Here are two of the new character cards, both the rogue and the alchemist. The Alchemist gets to turn objects into gold. not fun if he starts doing it to talismans which are rare in the game!

Heres the Sprite and the Vampiress, two of the smallest models in the game.

Here he is again, The Highlander, and The Amazon. i',m not a fan of the Highlanders Kilt myself.

Here is the rule book for The Highland Expansion. Its a well laid out piece with lots of nice pieces of art. I would not recommend reading it upside down like this though!

There are cards in the expansion, this one has 4 new types. The Highland Deck, Relic cards, More spells, and more Adventure cards.

Heres some of the new spells. I always like looking at the well drawn art on each one.

Heres the new Highland deck, there is a huge wadge here!

And finally heres the board piece laid out with the main board itself. Looking rather massive there now! Cant wait to get some games in!

Do you play talisman? If not why not?

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