So judging by the header, you can guess that no I have not worked on finishing the unit of knights that I was working on. Life’s been busy lately and since I’ve been behind I decided I needed to get something done quick so I could feel like I accomplished something.


So my easy #1 Solution – Do an Empire Cannon and crew – Yep you guessed it, there are 2 of these beasts in my army and I rely upon them heavily. Here are pics of the first one I completed.





After getting that done today, I decided that I would put out my army and see what I still had to complete for Adepticon. There was one unit that stood out like a beacon saying “Start me now or I will  not get done in time!” That unit was the 40 Halberders that I am putting in the army. I spent most of the day assembling and did get to apply paint to 1 model. I plan on using him for my Champ so here’s a pic:





You’ll notice that this army’s infantry after the last couple of posts is decidedly old school. The rest of the Halberders are 6th ed Model, but I had a spare 5th ed guy lying around that I though looked good for the champ. I figure This finally gets these models put to use and gets me practicing army paint techniques (remember after my Altdorf army, I have Plans for Middenheim and Nuln Armies).



Anyway hope you liked the pics and see you in a week!