Here is a little something I’m playing with lately. It’s still in its rough stages but I think it has some potential.

Primary: Imperial Guard


Command Squad – 50

Lord Commisar – 80
Camo Cloak


Platoon Command Squad – 50

4 Infantry Squads – 260
Auto-cannon, Melta Bomb

Platoon Command Squad – 50

2 Infantry Squads – 120

Fast Attack

Vendetta – 130

Vendetta – 130

2 Hellounds – 260
Hull Heavy Bolter

Heavy Support

Leman Russ Executioner – 190

Detachment Total: 1,320

Allies: Chaos Space Marines


Sorceror – 135
Lvl 2, Terminator Armor, Force Mace, Burning Brand


5 Chaos Space Marines – 110

Fast Attack

Heldrake – 170

Heavy Support

5 Havocs – 115

Detachment Total: 530

Total: 1,850

That’s what I’m looking at for the moment. It packs six scoring units (assuming the large squad is fully blobbed) in as well as a solid fire power base. It has four torrent flamers, two of which are AP3.

For the CSM allie the Sorcerer is a disruption unit that, hopefully after pulling down a good power or two on biomancy, deepstrikes into the enemy backfield to run around messing with support units. The Havocs are extra firepower for popping light mech or putting wounds down. The troops are just some extra scorers that might be able to drive 18” up the table on turn four to deploy on turn five if they live that long. The rhino is also because I want to use my Forgeworld Iron Warriors Rhino stuff J. And naturally I don’t have to explain the Heldrake.

For the guard I included the Lord Commissar for two reasons. The first was to add the camo cloak for increased survivability in the blob and the second was to have a harder to kill Warlord. The Executioner seemed like a good bet. I’ve fallen in love with plasma templates and since it doesn’t get hot it can do some long term damage on a very resilient platform. The big blob is for board control and the other infantry squads are objective holders. The flamer PCS’s go into the Vendettas for some late game burning/objective grabbing. The Hellhounds add some much fun burny but also a way to lay down a lot of wounds at a longer range (12” move + 12” range + template). And finally everyone’s friend, the Vendetta J

Those are my thoughts. Some of you will notice I pulled the power weapons from my blobs. The reason is that in this list they aren’t the killer blob. They are the hold stuff up blob and the points were needed for the Commisar Lord.