The Top 5 Phillip K. Dick Movies
Guest post by Lovereading.

        Hi guys, we all know how various Sci-Fi movies influence many of our favorite companies miniatures or even have games based on them, ie Tyranids are based of the classic Giger Xenomorphs, and Fantasy flights X-Wing game is based on the Star Wars movie itself.

   Sadly i dont think any of the Phillip K Dick Movies have inspired many games yet? Lets have a Top-5 run down of those movies based off his books, this could give us an idea of what we would like to see, or will see, in the future!

Widely acknowledged as one of sci-fi's most important figures, Philip K. Dick wrote 44 novels and over 100 hundred short stories. Unsurprisingly the success of his literary work did not go unnoticed by Hollywood and a lot of his work was developed into films for the big screen. Here is a selection of five of the very best.

#5: Total Recall: The film adaptation of the Dick's short story We Can Remember It for You Wholesale is one of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s best ever roles and was so successful that it was recently remade with Colin Farrell in the lead role. The futuristic, dystopian setting are classic motifs from the great man's work and it it easy to see why Hollywood just couldn't get enough of them.

Total Recall
Total Recall (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

#4:  Minority Report: Tom Cruise took the lead role in this highly successful adaptation from the mid noughties. Steven Spielberg stayed pretty true to the original work, Re-Cog, and the director's realisation of this highly realistic future world from a story that was written way back in the 1950s just goes to emphasise how much of a true visionary the author was.
Cover of
Cover of Minority Report [Blu-ray]
#3: The Adjustment Bureau: This paranoid tale of a shady underworld of government types maintaining the world as it has already been written was a big hit for Matt Damon a few years back. Again coming from a short story written in the 50s.
The adjustment bureau movie poster
The adjustment bureau movie poster (Photo credit: neeravbhatt)

#2: Paycheck: Yet another example of just how timeless Dick's sci-fi was, this adaptation starring Ben Affleck proved yet again how Hollywood will never grow tired of the old master's work.

Paycheck (film)
Paycheck (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

#1 :Blade Runner: For many people one of the greatest movies of all times. This classic, adapted from the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, got the thumbs up from the writer himself, who said that the film version was exactly the same as the world he had envisioned in his head when writing it.

Blade Runner
Blade Runner (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Guest Post by Lovereading – Helping you to find your next book

So thats it for the Top-5 Phillip K Dick Movies, What do you think? Do you agree or disagree?

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