Old School here with another weekly Tips and Tutorials update from our blogging community! We have some great entries this week, particularly in the way of terrain building, which is timely as I know a lot of folks are starting to work with their local clubs to update terrain! That's not all though, we have one AMAZING painting tip for making water color washes, a review of one of the new DA kits, but rather than spoil it, let's take a look:


How to Make Wargaming Hills by 3-T Studios
Making Wargaming Craters that Don't Suck by 3-T Studios


Painting an Alpha Legion Forge Fiend part 1 by Wolves In Arms
Painting an Alpha Legion Forge Fiend part 2 by Wolves in Arms
Painting an Alpha Legion Forge Fiend part 3 by Wolves in Arms

This next tip is awesome and I would say it is about to change my painting game up:

Painting Tips

Making Watercolor Washes (video) by LBursley


Land Speeder Vengeance/ Dark Shroud by CVinton

I was hesitant to add the following project logs, but honestly, they are really good and thick (for those of you who want to be immersed in a great project log and learn something in the process, but since they were more of a "learn by osmosis" rather than true tutorial, I gave them a category!

Complete Project Logs
Chaos Terrain Board Project Log by 3-T Studios
Necron Terrain Log by 3-T Studios
Squig Fighting Pit Log by 3-T Studios

There you go! If you are reading this and would like your great work or tutorials added to our HUB, then e-mail us your links (link per tutorial or label please) to darkfuturegames@gmail.com and please use the subject line LINKS for DFG, so we don't confuse you with all the Nigerian Princesses or Lost Fortunes we are being called upon to assist! We would love to help others (our 60k+ monthly readers) find your blog, forum log, ect and read your tips, tutorials or reviews there! We are looking forward to hearing from you!