The Top 5 Space Marine Tanks.

Hey everyone, its time for another top-5 rundown. Today its the top5 Space Marine Tanks!

This time i thought i would allow forge world models into the count..

#5: Deimos Pattern Rhino.

I do not know about you guys but I think this model is 1000 times better than the standard Games Workshop Rhino, and they havn't changed all that much to do it! a great model and I am sure you will agree.

#4:Deimos Pattern Predator.

Just like the Deimos pattern Rhino above, i think this is a brilliant effort from the Forge World team. They have taken a very plain and basic, almost toy like kit in the original Predator, and adapted it into this lovely piece. Some say it looks a little silly with an almost Dalek like turret, but i still say its awesome!

#3: Space Marine Vindicator.

With that Huge cannon up front and that huge dozer blade, this thing just screams BEAST, its a combination of those two things that make this look very imposing. Take away the Dozer blade and it doesnt look half as good! This model is a HUGE improvement over the previous model, and i think that this one is also based on the old Forge World kit version. is there a pattern forming here? maybe..

#2: Land raider Crusader.

With all those anti infantry guns this thing looks cool as!, The Phobos variant is itself very good but this versions just meaty! I'm not much of a fan of it in game, but in the display cabinet? Yes please!

#1: Land Raider Spartan.

Yes thats right, The Land Raider Spartan is my favorite tank. What an awesome model this is, take an already awesome model, the Land Raider, make it even more huge and add more guns, get Forge World to design it and you have resin gold. This is a must have for any Space Marine player or collector! (its on my list before you ask!)

So there you have it, my top 5 Space Marine Tanks. Do you agree or disagree?

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