So a couple weekends ago I played in a great event up in Seattle, part of the TSHFT series of events. There were about seventy participants; which shows this events great growth. It was 2,000 points with a nice battle point system. See here for more about the event rules and layout. I play-tested my list for about a month before in a half-dozen or so games, making adjustments until I got it just how I wanted it. Here is what it looked like:


Destroyer Lord w/ Semiternal Weave, Resurrection Orb, Mindshackle Scarabs 190

(Allied) Typhus 230


10*Immortals w/ Tesla 170                                                 

5*Immortals w/ Tesla, Night Scythe 185

5*Warriors w/ Night Scythe 165

(Allied) 26*Zombies 114

(Allied)  26*Zombies 114

Fast Attack

7* Canoptek Scarabs 105

(Allied) Heldrake w/ Baleflamer 170

Heavy Support

Doom Scythe 175

Annihilation Barge 90

Annihilation Barge 90

(Allied) 2*Obliterators w/ Mark of Nurgle 152


Aegis Defense Line 50


....and here is what it looked like:  

So I have two fairly beatstick HQs, a solid footprint of tough fearless Troops, some decent heavy shooting, and some potentially devastating flyers. The army doesn't a ton of spam but it still has redundancy. I had  five great games against five great opponents.

Game 1 v. Fluger (ORK) - Hammer and Anvil/ The Scouring
I got the higher point objectives mostly near my side and had bottom turn. Fluger rushed up my deployment zone with his Battlewagon, two Trukk mobz and Stormboyz, putting immediate pressure on me. Unfortunately he didn't see my Scarabs right in front of them in the bushes and they wrecked the wagon. But at that point his MANZ were in my base. It took a lot of hard work from my Death Ray to dislodge them.

From that point it came down to my flyers harassing and whittling down his Boyz in midfield and surviving the Lootas.

Turn 5 I was winning, turn 6 Fluger was winning. We got turn 7. It came all the way down to me needing to kill a wounded Nob gone to ground on the 4 point objective behind an Aegis, managed to barely do it with an Annihilation Barge and claim the win.

Game II v. Tasty (NEC/CSM) - Vanguard Strike/Big Guns

Played against his 5 armour 14 stuff list. He deployed his three Monoliths spread equidistant along his deployment line. His Icarus with Chronometron re-rolls and Tank Hunter was nasty. My Obliterators killed a Land Raider and a Monolith and my Destroyer Lord killed another to claim an objective on the last turn to win.I think Tasty could have won this with better target priority; I had very few units to harm his AV 14 and they mostly had to be close to do the job.

Game III v. Jesse Z (GK) - Dawn of War/Purge

Nice guy who came in from Michigan, had Coteaz, 4 Acolyte units, a couple Strike Squads, 5 Paladins, 3 Psyflemen (2 Venerable) and 2 Dreadknights w/ Incinerators. Came down to his lack of anti-air stuff (the Heldrake and Doom Scythe dominated) and the Destroyer Lord getting up multiple times and killing both Dreadknights and Coteaz. Good win.

Game IV v. Ben C (DW/GK) - Vanguard Strike/Crusade(4)

Playing against Ben with his 4 Interceptors was a nightmare scenario for my army, but thankfully I was able to fly in out of range of his Kheres assault cannon toting Mortis Contemptors to help mitigate the problem. Only 1 flyer went down on the turn they came in. We were both able to eliminate all the threats we put on each others objectives and ended up with a draw.

Game V v. Kriston B (NEC) - Dawn of War/Emperor's Will

 Played against a Scarab Farm/Scythe list with 40 Immortals. Emperor's Will was modified so that there was an objective the the center worth twice as many points as the objectives the deployment zones. I played this game wrong for the most part, I targeted the Scarabs early when they weren't really a great threat to my army when I should have focused on his troops. I let his Destroyer Lord sneak into the flank of my deployment zone to start wreaking havoc. Despite all that on turn 5 I would have won; Typhus cleared the center objective with two zombie friends remaining and my flyer troops dropped in for the contest on the other two objectives. Unfortunately I didn't roll a 1 or 2 and lost the game. If I had rolled that 1 or 2 I would have been TSHFT Champion. :x :lol: :lol:

Great event and I can't wait for the next one in May!

*all photos courtesy of TSHFT and my inability to take photos myself!