Ryan here.
So my first commission for Smells Like Wargaming is done! 20 Black Guard made from High Elf Phoenix Guard. I'd say that this unit was fun to complete but lets face it after painting 20 Phoenix guard just before Christmas I have to admit that this was a little bit of a slog. However after taking a quick break to paint some of my Blood Bowl team I had renewed enthusiasm and got these guys done!
The use of Wych heads adds to the dark elf nature of the unit. The conversion wasn't that hard either. So, without further ado, I present The Black Guard of Naggarond!
The bases aren't finished because the client is unsure where to go with them. They will be cleaned up before sending though.
So here is what is next on the painting block. A Hellcannon for Warriors of Chaos. Beautiful sculpt. And a quick personal project. Some Nurgle love on my own hero model. Then it is back to more Elves (shudder).