40k'ers I have a couple 6th ed Rules I would like your feedback on.  I have my own opinion regarding these two rules questions, looking for others opinion.  Thank you in advance.

Biomancy; Iron Arm 40k6 mini-rule book pg 143

Iron Arm is a blessing that targets the Psyker.  Whilst the power is in effect, the Psyker gains +D3 Strength and Toughness (roll once for both) and gains the Eternal Warrior special rule.

Context:  Last game had a Daemon Prince that casted this power.  D3 was rolled once for Strength and once for Toughness.  Effectively +D3 Strength and +D3 Toughness.  Example: If a 5 is rolled for Strength Daemon Prince would get +3 to Strength then a 2 is rolled for Toughness Daemon Prince would get +1 Toughness.  An onlooker said that you roll D3 and apply the value to both Strength and Toughness.  Chaos Space Marine player said that you roll D3 for Strength, then D3 for Toughness.

While I admit the wording is a little vague and can be interpreted different ways.  I would like to know your thoughts.


Grey Knights Codex 5th ed pg 28 Warp Quake

This power can be used at the start of your Movement phase and lasts until the start of your next Movement phase.  If Psychic test is successful, all enemy teleport homers and other items of wargear that prevent Deep Strike scatter cease to function whilst within 12" of the squad while this power is in effect.  Furthermore, any enemy unit deploying by Deep Strike within 12" of the squad (after scattering) will automatically suffer a Deep Strike mishap.

Grey Knights Codex 5th ed pg 31 Cleansing Flame

This power can used during the Assault phase in either player's turn, after assault moves have been made, but before blow have been struck.  If the Psychic test is passed, all enemy models that are part of the same assault suffer one wound on a roll 4+.  Armour save can be taken as normal.

40k6 pg 67 Manifesting Psychic Power

4. Deny the Witch.  If the Psychic test was passed and the target was an enemy, it now gets a chance to Deny the Witch and nullify the power.  If the power is nullified, the attempt fails and nothing further happens.

40k6 pg 67 Declare Target

If the psychic power requires a target, you must nominate it at this point.  Unless otherwise stated, the Psychic must have line of sight to his target.

Grey Knights 6th ed Errata v1.2 page 4

Q: Is Cleansing Flame a shooting attack or a close combat attack? (p31)
A: A close combat attack.

In both cases, Warp Quake and Cleansing Flame no targets are named.  i.e Purifiers are casting Cleansing Flame on Khorne Bloodletters and Warp Quake is targeting Deep Striking Tzeentch Flamers.  You can only perform Deny the Witch if an enemy was targeted.  Neither Cleansing Flame nor Warp Quake nominate a target.  Can Deny the Witch be rolled against Cleansing Flame and Warp Quake?

If you have reference from a book please provide the book and page number.  Thanks.

slainte mhath