Wow, didn't expect to see a new Warmachine faction pop up. These chaps remind me of the clockwork from city of heroes, they look pretty neat.

Check out the official PP Video here

 A couple of highlights from the vid

  • Warjacks gain the MAT and RAT of the battlegroup caster
  • All casters grant their battlegrup a unique ability (like all get arc node, or shield guard)
  • They have some mechanics for moving focus around and reusing focus
  • They ahve a light jack with repair..... and it looks kinda nifty!
I suspect some people will cry "they look like necrons! PP ripoffs!", to them I say GW didn't invent robots..... shut up, the Cybermen from Doctor Who called. I quite like the art-deco, almost metropolis style they are going for. 

If they are very different mechanically, and it sounds like they are, i'd be tempted to pick up a small battle group as a change of pace from Cygnar. 

I guess more information will be out shortly. Comments anyone?