Social networking is a huge thing these days. Millions of people use it for millions of different things.
One of which is to organise, check out and discuss tabletop games.
There are a lot of great Facebook gaming groups out there so I thought I would share my favourites with you.
You never know, some of you may even join and enjoy them!

Miniature Addicts Anonymous

Miniature Addicts Anonymous (link) is a group for any and all miniature games.
The members include several industry professionals from game owners to sculptors and artists. Plus tons of excitable gamers.
A fun and friendly group where you can ask anything you like (gaming or not) and post any work you have done or interesting things you have found.

Citizens of Pulp City

Citizens of Pulp City (link) is the main fan group for Pulp City from Pulp Monsters.
A great place to chat about Supremes, show off your work, ask any questions and even get some teasers and answers from the PC team themselves.
One of the friendliest groups I have ever found online and packed full of inspiration.
With the brand new Supreme Edition here and the new release schedule right around the corner, you don't want to miss out on the future of Pulp City!

The Stygian Depths

The Stygian Depths (link) is the place to go for fans of the awesome Deep Wars and ShadowSea by Antimatter Games.
Great people and some absolutely stunning work! You would be amazed what a different setting like underwater can bring out in the model world.
Even if Antimatter Games isn't your cuppa, head over and check it out. You wont be disappointed.

Dystopian Armadas

Dystopian Armadas (link) covers all of the ranges from Spartan Games.
Firestorm Armada, Uncharted Seas, Dystopian Was and the new Dystopian Legions.
The Victorian steampunk Dystopian setting seems to be the main draw to this group and with new stuff coming out for Wars and Legions all the time it is great to see what people are doing with it and throw your own in there as well.

Hope to see some of you in these groups soon.

Which are your favourite gaming groups on Facebook?

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!