Some of the more thoroughly readers among you might have noticed the changes in my blog that came with a reconstruction of the layout. I also added a banner to the top of the page. I hope you like it! I'd also be very happy if you follow my blog via Google Friend Connect and becoma a "Disciple". :)


Earlier this day, I had a 1,750 pts match with my flat mate and his Thousand Sons + allied Daemons.

He fielded:
- Chaos Sorcerer (Mastery Level 3)
- Blue Scribes
- 6 Flamers of Tzeentch
- 3x 6 Thousand Sons
- 2x 6 Horrors + Changeling
- 9 Screamers
- 2x 6 AC-Havocs
- 1 Aegis w/ Quad gun

My host featured:
- 1 Chaos Sorcerer (Mastery Level 2)
- 1 Daemon Prince w/ Armour, Wings, and the Black Mace
- 10 Iron Warriors w/ Plasma gun and AC
- 2x 10 Cultists w/ Heavy Stubber
- 20 Cultists w/ Shotgun and Flamer
- 2 Heldrakes
- 2 Forgefiends
- 3 Obliterators
-  1 Aegis w/ Quad gun

Unfortunately, my friend's army is only partially painted and his Aegis Defence Line consisted of painting pots and a schnapps glass, so I only took some crappy photos of my deployment:

The game ended after round 5 and my opponent won with a 3 points margin: Slay The Warlord, First Blood and 2 Objectives. I only held 1 Objective. Just for fun we kept playing until the end of round 7 - it would have been a draw then.