For those who don't reside in the US, Ard Boyz is a free,nationwide tournament that is 2500 points, with entrance level tournaments all across the country and semi-finals/finals in preset locations. Anywho, to cut to the chase, I have four armies, each of which I have made a list for. This is for my Crons(i just 10k of them in various trades!)


Iluminor Szeras
Nemesor Zandrekh

Court: Veiltek, Chronotek, Necron Lord w/ Orb, Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs, Weave
Court: Veiltek, Chronotek, Necron Lord w/ Orb, Warscythe, Mindshackle Scarabs, Weave

20 Necron Warriors
20 Necron Warriors
20 Necron Warriors
11 Necron Warriors

10 Scarab Bases

Annihilation Barge  
Annihilation Barge  
Doomsday Ark
3 Canoptek Spyder


Zandrekh, a Veiltek, and one Chronotek go party in one 20man Warrior blob, Imotekh a Veiltek, a Cron Lord, and one Chronotek go in another, and the last Cron Lord goes into the other 20man blob. Strategy is flexible with 2 20man blobs veilteks. 

The Doomsday Ark will rarely go vehicle hunting, but likely will pile wounds onto MEQ(Marine Equivelent, power armour/Terminator armour).

The Spyders/Scarabs go for a mini Scarab farm and put the pressure on the enemy to take them out, as well as giving me MC's to smashy smashy stuff(they may not be the fightiest, but 3 s6 ap2 attacks each makes alot of people hesitate)

Illuminor Szeras is there because 2/3 of the time he makes one warrior squad either BS5 or T5, too good for 100 points. Now of course, when they are suddenly s5...well thats a bummer!

What armies do you think it would struggle most against? do best against?