Couldn't find a Badger

Its all gone! All of it! AAAARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!

A few days ago I went to turn on my computer. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. It had died!
But the Badger had made a back-up right? Wrong! (learnt my lesson now)

In a file on that computer was weeks worth of articles for ToaTS. Pictures for reviews, links, logos, PDF rulebooks and tons more. 100s of hours worth of work, lost.

What does this mean for Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher? Well......
Several of the things I was going to cover wont be happening now. The rest will be going ahead at a much later date.
To get back to the position I was with this blog is going to take a few weeks. Because of this, posts will be a bit more spread out for a while until I can catch up again.
Luckily, I have some Pulp City, Dystopian Legions and Deep Wars to play with and post up while I sort out everything else out.
After that, who knows at the moment!

It also means I have needed to get a new computer to keep the site going. I tried it on mobile but it just doesn't work very well. A new computer was easy enough to find but when you have a family in a house that has only 1 person working, not that easy to get.

I did spot an idea on another popular site a while ago though when something similar happened.
To help out with the hardware and tons of hours needed to be put back in, they gave the readers an option to help out.
This isn't something I would ever have wanted to do but then I never expected this to happen.

Because of all this, You will notice a button in the top left of the page.
A 'Donate' button in fact.
I am in NO way asking people to do this. I just want to make that clear. But....

If you enjoy ToaTS, like what you see and would like to help the site continue then feel free to use the button to help out via Paypal

With the 'Kickstarter' bug at the moment I could even do some sort of Pledge levels.
- Name and Link on contributor page
- Links in a post
- Your own guest post
- Permanent picture link on front page
- Coverage of any game you choose
- etc, etc

I would love to get your thoughts on this.Positive or negative, it all helps.

I had better get back to work.

Hendybadger awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!