Howdy ppl,

so this has been a fun week for me tho i have not gotten the amount of painting done that id like to but non the less im happy. Last week end a good buddy of my and his wife came by for some coffee and he brhothe his compressor that has been out in the garage for a long time just collecting dust, it´s a small 3L tank in it max 10Bar so it is perfect for the work that i do. And i also got a small present from him that was so random!! A dark elf dragon i don´t play them but the model it self is awesome so when the DW commission is done i will paint that bad boy up.

Yesterday i spent the day getting to know the new compressor, i have done some priming under the week but no paint jobs, so i took the time to try it out on some of my models don´t want to mess up some one else models. And i can get the control that i was looking for so that was a good thing for me. I also gave the oil wash Technic a go i still need to fine tune it a bit more but for the first time i was happy, i want to give the DW terminators the oil as it gives a lot more life then the acrylic was and i also like the fact that i can go back and edit if im not happy how it looks.

so all in all it was a good day for me, to day i will try and get the chaplin all done or at lest 80% done then i can do the rest on Monday.

That is all for now, post a comment if you want to know any thing.

and se you in the next post :D

peace muffin

Priming at 2,5 Bar doing it at 4-3 was not that good.

Here im trying out oil for the first time.

The work station is a mess, but the new spray booth is working just fine.

It cold out side and the fat man needs a blanky to keep warm :D