...in like 5 years.  :)

This is after my setup... lets just say it went downhill from there.  :)  Dave was playing a Deathwing list (first time with the new codex).  He stayed on my left side of table, so everything had to swing around.  Belial and his 10-man squad deep struck about where the hive tyrant is in this picture and it took 6 turns worth of combat, the huve tyrant, tyrant guard, and about 40 gaunts to kill the squad.  Here's a picture from about 3 seconds before the hive tyrant got pummeled to death by power fists...

For fun, I spawned gaunts every turn.  Didn't run out and didn't double out in the 6 turns I spawned.

Ended up loosing the game something like 14 to 5, but it was fun.

Started to get a 1000 point game in with someone else, but it had to be cut short after 2 turns - however, in those two turns I did manage to wreck face pretty bad.  No pictures though.