Here are some views from inside a land raider conversion. While I didn't do all the conversion stuff, it did fall to me to get it all put together and paint it. :-)
Painting the insides of land raiders starts out painful, and gets tougher from there. It's just the nature of the beast. The front door section is the worst, since it has to be loose as you work on it. That means that it's flopping around, and you run the risk of messing up the alignment, so that it won't open when it's all put together in final assembly.
Getting at all the rear engine parts was not easy, either, but at least the other side was not so bad!
Here is the raider after the initial assembly, before final weathering and freehand.
There's a bit of the glow of the lascannons as well. I was trying to make these different from my usual post Heresy variety, thus the glow...
And now for the final result!