If you have not noticed, marines in the Dark Angel codex are much less expensive than Blood Angels!

We have always wanted to play a full company in a game. You know what I mean... 100 marines, proud and strong.  But with points and such, this has not really been possible!

Well now it is with the Dark Angels codex.

I forget the points exactly, but for 2k you get the fourth company:

Company Commander
x6 ten man tacticals with Plasma Cannon
x2 ten man Assault
x3 ten man Devastator. (Or was it two. I don't have my book in hand. Matters not, just look up the 4th company load out in the codex, whatever it says there, that is it!) I think I even squeezed in a couple rhinos.

Oh and each Dev squad has all plasma cannons, minus one or two to make the point cost.

The key is the cheaper units without vet sergeants. Azrael gives them army wide LD 10. So you don't need the vet!  With all of those Dark Vengeance tacticals floating around for cheap, now is the time to throw this army together. Bust out your book, point out the army, and ebay yourself some tacticals! Will the army win? Well, 6th Ed has become a game of attrition. 100 marines in cover are tough to kill in five rounds, and you have enough plasma to eat into the hoardiest of hoards. You are not going to beat some of the uber Sean Nayden Dark Eldar Beast Eldrad Combos from hell. Lots of Chaos dragons are probably going to burn your ass. But with some tactics you will have a chance to beat normal armies.

Have some fun!
