I was reading a John Constantine graphic novel this morning, and Epiphany told John it was good for him to hang out with someone younger because "You older guys can get caught in a rut."

That's been me, lately.  Stuck in a rut.  My normal habit for years now has been to paint or model daily, not to mention the whole blogging thing over the past three or so years.  Last two months, not so much.

Anyway, with work lightening up and some local interest in a new game (Infinity), I'm forcing myself to put down the game controller or book and pick back up a paint brush.

Here's what I'm working on now - something unnecessary!

Not quite done here - there's nothing like taking a picture to make all the flaws on a model evident.  I've got to tighten up the blends on the shoulder pads, for one thing, and of course I need to paint the Storm Shield.  I'm planning some sort of heraldry for the chest plate, but I haven't decided what yet.

I mentioned unnecessary... I'm not actually playing the Brotherhood lately, and this model isn't necessary in the army I would run!

Anyway, off to work.