To hell with painting....and yes I know I should paint the stuff as well, but it's so hard not doing any converting for so long. So I decided to let my will cave in, and embark on yet anoter project with out finishing the defenders. My local resin pusher had some cool MicroArt minis going cheap, and I got a few new minis for my birthday, C'Tan, killerkans and Necron Immortals - boxes just ripe with bits cut up and glue to my fingers - or in a lucky moment actually to the place on a mini I'd planned. So this will be the first post in the creation of The Omniscion.
Not really sure how much of the wings will make it to the final cut, but that will be one of those decisions to make as the work comes along. Primary weapon will be a Heavy Conversion Beamer. Though that will restrict his movement some, I find it fine, as he is a leader - a rather twisted one, too much inload over the years I think, but he should hang back, kill some enemies and then swoop in for the killing in the end. He is a flying MC, one should not forget.
And so it begins……
by Manus | Feb 17, 2013