The possibilities are endless. Get involved!
Realm of Chaos 80s is proud to announce the first 'Oldhammer Weekender' will be held at the Wargames Foundry in Nottingham on the 31st August to the 1st of September.

The two day event has been made possible by the INCREDIBLE support provided to us by Bryan and Marcus Ansell. 

Details have yet to be fully ironed out (as you would expect) but Realm of Chaos 80s can reveal a few juicy morsels that should (hopefully) be taking place.

*Warhammer Third Edition (or anything old school really) Bring and Battle
*Old School Warhammer Exhibition Games - most likely Orc's Drift etc
*Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness 25th Anniversary Khorne vs Slaanesh massed warband narrative battle, run by Realmofchaos80s itself!
*A bring and buy sale.
*Foundry's original Citadel Ranges available for purchase. 

Small scale art/miniature exhibitions from the collection of Bryan Ansell and possibly others.
*Refreshments, food and a licensed bar at reasonable prices.

Ideally, we are working to ensure that this event remains totally free but some sort of booking system will be required so we can be prepared for numbers.

Details about how you can book your place will be made available shortly.

To keep up to date, follow the planning over on the BLOOD forum.